Brentview Baptist Youth Mission Trip

Ministry Day 4 – Friday
The main event for today was helping out with a work project at Gamma’s “Camp John 3:16”. It was hard work as we built up the foundation for a second building that will house camp leaders. We did cement work, that is, once they got the cement mixer working! It was a classic scene of guys huddled around a small gasoline engine trying to get it to run. But they had success, thanks to an international display of ingenuity and persistence! All in a day’s work.
We also had to break up and move around tons (literally) of rock. Pretty basic, but essential and gratifying work. Kimberly found it surprisingly rewarding to pick-axe a big rock pile to make it into useful foundation material. It was hot outside, but we wisely paced ourselves and drank a lot of water. This effort was worthwhile, because we know that this camp will ultimately serve many people. The Mexican caretakers on site were very friendly and smiled a lot. Somehow the language differences were no big deal. They treated us like brothers and sisters. After all, in Christ, that’s exactly what we are.
At the end of our work time we put on our swim suits and they treated us to a gigantic “hose-down” of cool water. It was so refreshing and enjoyable – a fitting way to end a day of work that was all about foundations, both physically and spiritually. We know that many people will have the opportunity to “build” on the firm foundations of Camp John 3:16, and many will find true living water that comes only from Him – the maker of it all.
We then took a much needed siesta back at the base before finishing off the day with an outdoor wiener roast and movie night at a small local church called Puerta de Vida (meaning “Door of Life”). We enjoyed watching a Narnia movie together with members from the church and community. The local pastor closed the evening with a short devotional, and we all headed home knowing that we had made some more friends with these remarkable Mexican people.