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Westpointe Community Church Mission Trip

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Today we ministered at the Emmanuel Foundation in Mérida with Pastor Miguel. The orphanage is home to six girls and four boys ages 4-13. Their parents are either in jail or addicts and can’t provide a home for their children. Without the safety of the orphanage they would be on the streets.

There were quite a few kids and parents from the neighborhood there today as well, and they were very excited and happy to see us when we arrived. We did a 30 minute program for them, including a drime, drama, and puppet show. Then Pastor Miguel gave a Gospel presentation in Spanish. All of our music and skits were in Spanish, and the kids seemed to be entertained and excited – especially during the puppet show.

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Orphanages are always something that stick with me long after I leave, because the kids we meet need hope and love more than anyone else in the world. We all received lots of hugs, high fives and smiles, which brought a sense of accomplishment that we were doing something good for the kids, even if for just an hour or two. The woman and her husband who run the foundation first started doing prison ministry, and then later opened a shelter for addicts and alcoholics. They truly are the hands and feet of God in this city. It was an honour to come and serve them and the kids of Emmanuel. Please pray they get the funds needed to open a new home for kids, to take in a total of 50 kids!

Also, I pray that our hearts and perspectives will truly change through this experience. And that we will remember what these people are going through in their lives, and how blessed we are in Canada.

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