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Okotoks Evangelical Free Church - Day 6

Today our team started off the day bright and early planting trees at camp John 3:16. It was amazing to see how God had blessed them with the land. Originally they only wanted a little bit of land but God gave them 24 acres and extremely fertile soil. There we planted trees of all kinds like avocados, mangos, limes and mandarins. We learned that in less than 2 years these trees would grow up and yield fruit that they would use to sell and raise funds to further expand their camp facilities. Though we only planted about 40 trees we learned that it would be a huge impact for them as the full-grown fruit would be worth a lot of money on the market.

Later on that evening we went to the hospital in Merida to serve an evening pancake dinner to the people there who live on the streets while their family member is in the hospital. This is the only free hospital in all of the Yucatan. Upon arrival we were told by security that we were not allowed to be there to serve food as they have a new Government with new rules. After some prayer and the leaders talking to the administration, they let us serve our food. Also when we got there it was raining but it stopped so people started to flock over in groups to the music and tents we had setup. During our time there I was able to see Miguel (C-Quest’s national director for CampQuest), Julia and Jorge(the translator) pray with people and share the word of God with them. I thought it was really special seeing that happening right in front of me.

Throughout the week it's been so inspiring seeing the acceptance of the Lord with the people here and I can't wait to see what else the rest of the week has in store for me.

Signing off,

Cody Ling

P.S A bird pooped on Julia's head.

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