Millar College of the Bible Final Blog

Day 27 – Final Day in Mexico! Wow, it’s hard to believe that our time in the Yucatán is over already. We have spent these last two days reflecting on what God has done in and through us over the last four weeks. So much has happened. So much to praise and thank God for. We have also spent the last two days saying goodbye to people who have become dear to us. Many tears have already been shed. More to come as we leave C-Quest tomorrow.
Yesterday afternoon we spent time alone with God doing a spiritual solo. We took about three hours trying to find words to describe our experiences here, looking at what God did and how we have been shaped by our time ministering here. I found the time beneficial for organizing my thoughts. It was fun to marvel at all we were able to participate in, highlighting how faithful God is through it all.
Today we packed up our rooms in the morning. Living by the ocean has been a privilege. Morning coffee on the deck looking over the Gulf of Mexico, and late night games played with the sound of waves in the background. Later in the day we shared how God has changed us and how we saw Him working. It was really cool to hear things that impacted team members. I was encouraged as they shared big dreams. For example, how one felt called to missions, another receiving confirmation they should be serving in the mission field at home.
I am so proud of this team of young people. They represented Christ well as they worked and ministered together. I am grateful for each one.
Thank you to the C-Quest and their staff here – Gary, Joanne, Kary, and Darcy. For hosting us, caring for us, and guiding us on this adventure in Mexico.
Hasta Luego, Andrea