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Millar College of the Bible Mission Trip

Blog 18 May 14 Calum photo 1.jpg

Day 23! This morning Shanyn shared a devotion with the team from Psalm 95. It was a good reminder of God’s greatness and how thankful we should be for what he has done for us. We each shared one thing that we were thankful for. It was a great time of encouragement looking back on what God has done for us.

After breakfast the team split up to do a few work projects. Some of the guys went to a nearby neighborhood to help with a building project. The rest of the team stayed back at the base to paint and clean.

I was able to help Manuel repair a wall in the backyard, putting my masonry experience to use. It was fun to connect with Manuel through the work, even with my limited Spanish. Lots of hand gestures were used to communicate!

After lunch we took a little siesta, then headed out to a neighborhood called Mococha. When we arrived at the venue to do our program, there was no one there except one little girl. A few of us walked around the neighborhood with our translator Jorge to invite more people. By the time we got back many kids and parents had come. It turned out to be a great evening


I can’t believe this past month has gone by so fast, with only a few more days left at C-Quest. It has been such a great experience, and I am so grateful for the relationships that we have built with people here in Mexico.

Blog 18 May 14 Calum photo 4.jpg

Blog 18 May 14 Calum photo 3.jpg
Blog 18 May 14 Calum photo 2.jpg

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