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Millar College of the Bible Mission Trip

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Good evening… here’s our team blog for Day 19.

Hello family and friends… a big shout out to all you moms who are following and praying for us. Happy Mother’s Day!!!

This morning started by sitting on the patio with the Bible and a great cup of coffee. By 6:30 a.m. the sun had just come up, and it was already a humid 24C at that point. No jackets or sweaters required.

Following our team breakfast (mom’s had the morning off), we had the opportunity to head to Mérida to join another one of C-Quest’s partner churches. We joined Pastor Miguel and Alicia, who host the church in the community where we had our first program. The church is a church plant that meets under a roof on the patio of the home of one of their members. We were encouraged by their extra efforts to welcome us. They had arranged to have Karen, a friend of C-Quest, translate the message for us, as well as the English song sheets. It was great to praise our great God with our brothers and sisters in Christ, in both of our native languages.

Pastor Miguel followed our time of praise and prayer with a message rooted in 1 Corinthians 1:10-31. His challenge to us was to be bold in the power of God, which resides in all who has been chosen by name to be children of God. Trust the Spirit that resides within – to provide knowledge, wisdom, and strength in whatever conversation or task the Lord has called us to do. To live the Christian life is simple! Spend time with Jesus and the Word of God, then choose to live in obedience. Just as a soldier would respond to their captain when given a comma – “Yes, Sir!” At times we need to refresh our approach to the Christian life, because as adults we often have so many questions. A child like faith is what God is looking for; one that responds with full trust in the goodness of God. This takes humility. That way, in the end, God receives all glory!!

Following the service we were invited to stay for a special Mother’s Day luncheon and had a great opportunity to practice our conversational Spanish (along with a lot of gestures). The team really enjoyed the relaxed and “involved” feel of the service and the opportunity to eat, hangout, and visit.

The rest of the day, we spent taking in culture. First we went to “el Centro”, which is the primary square in Mérida, to take in the historical and modern day culture that the festive market has to offer. The latter part of the day was spent cheering on the Yucatán Leones, along with some friends from church. It wasn’t just us…several thousand others also took in the Minor League AAA Baseball game. The ball game was only a small portion of the entertainment we experienced – filled with plenty of activities; all kinds of food; rubbing shoulders with the locals; Calum dancing; the team getting onto the big screen (though most didn’t notice) – all made for a night to remember. Oh I should mention, Mother’s Day is a big deal down here. Being Mother’s day, all moms – or potential moms to be – and children under 12, were given free admission! So just 5 of us men had to pay our way.

What stood out to me today, was the Yucatán, or Mayan cultural value of relationships. It was a great reminder to me, to recognise and reflect on my own relationships. Relationships, are where it all started for humanity… Adam walking with God, Eve coming on the scene, and then the entrance of what we know as the family. Relationships, designed by God – for the good of mankind.

Dios te Bendiga/God bless you!

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