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RockPointe Family Adventure Trip - Day 5

Thursday started early with the Wilson’s leading morning devotion with prayer time on the beach. If you can’t see God in the ocean and the beautiful surroundings then you really need to look at your heart, which has been what our family has mainly focused on!

We started the day doing manual labour – not necessarily the type of labour I was expecting!

I was expecting to pick up a hammer, but instead I was relegated to farming TOMATOES (staking) and Papayas, while Paul picked up a paint brush, or should I say roller – he was the tallest in the group and required to help paint the ceiling and upper walls of the newly constructed John 3-16 Camp.

I am not a farmer, rancher yes – farmer no! The local farmer from John 3:16 was very concerned with our lack of understanding about the tomato plants, because if we injured them at all, they would not grow and produce the fruit required to allow John 3:16 to reap financial and nutritional benefits from the proper care. Looking down the rows, estimating 100, I am not sure that the proper emphasis was attached to what we were attempting to achieve. It is so easy to misunderstand the importance of a single tomato, when it does not mean your future. The good news is that under the tutelage of Claudine, the papaya field was successfully planted. However, the chicken coup was not quite completed, nor the painting. Tomato staking (7 out of 100 rows) not completed. Did I mention the soil is non-existent and more like layers of foliage and limestone? But with sun, rain, and God’s will, all will grow and prosper.

Only one injury – Danielle tripped and fell on her knee on a very large rock. She was positive that her knee cap was broken, hence her mother pretty much forced an adult Advil down her throat, since she never has had to swallow a pill before.

We ended the day with a good old Stampede Pancake Breakfast outside a government hospital, serving 300 plus people. This service was incredible because I have often thought at home how some people afford and are able to function when one of their close ones are in the hospital and they don’t either have money or they do not live in Calgary or have family in Calgary!

So a couple of things that need to be pointed out. Mexico has a two-tier health system. One that you pay for good hospital care, and a free one, like the hospital that we went to, which is considered to be very poor and people have to travel from outside the city to receive health care. Like our hospitals, the staff want the families to stay close. However, they don’t have transportation to go back home, or money for food, shelter, and amenities. So our amazing C-Quest leaders came up with the idea to feed these family members that are caring for their sick loved ones - imagine the stress and worry they are experiencing! I met one lady that had both her brother and her father in the hospital. For most of the people, the pancakes were the first meal they had all day until 6:30 at night!!! PERSPECTIVE!

Are we doing any good? So many people. Compared to our standards, so very poor. But the ones that we have met are always smiling and very friendly, kind, and truly appreciative. When was the last time you had a complete stranger give you a warm smile and a kiss on the cheek? It warms your heart.

One last note. One team member, Jaylene, has led a number of prayers and team devotion times, drawing her closer to the Lord on this trip. We have seen how God has been working in her heart. We are so very grateful for the ability to be part of something that focuses on things so much bigger than ourselves, and that glorifies the One and Only Awesome Father.

Thank you to all those who are praying and supporting our team. We can’t image what would happen without your prayers, love to all!

Thank you Lord!

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