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RockPointe Family Adventure Trip - Day 2

After a busy but fun-filled first day, it's safe to say that the theme so far has been stretching ourselves and stepping out of our comfort zones.

All of us had the opportunity to try our hands at drama, dance, puppetry, and balloon animals. Not exactly the kind of skills that are part of our daily routines in Calgary! However, we are all part of the team and refuse to laugh at each other’s dance skills or lack thereof. During a trip to downtown Progreso we stumbled our way through a treasure hunt that involved asking some, thankfully, very patient and welcoming locals, questions in our very best Spanish. Again, striking up a conversation with perfect strangers in a foreign language is most certainly not a skill we practice every day at home!

During our daily morning devotions, we prayed that God would give us wisdom and insight into what His purposes are for us on this trip. What does He want to teach us about our personal relationship with Him and our relationships with the others in our lives?

We know that He has called us to unity in our faith, but it seems like He is in the process of giving us some "practice" on this mission trip. This mission trip seems like the perfect opportunity to take a detour from the well-worn path of our daily routine onto a fresh road where we need to lean on our "brothers and sisters" and function as members of His body. John 17:20-22.


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