Transformed! (The Bridge)
It definitely feels like things are winding down for us, but what a great week it's been! Today we worked at the C-Quest base doing some odd jobs and getting the base ready for the next team to come tomorrow night. We took a break from the work to pick some coconuts from some trees that are at the base. Derek (one of the C-Quest staff) showed us how to chop the end of the coconut off with a machete. Then we stuck in a straw and enjoyed some fresh coconut water! Apparently, coconut water contains electrolytes just like Gatorade… amazing that God gave us these self contained rehydrating beverages in some of the hottest climates in the world!
After lunch, Gary and Joanne took us to see some Mayan ruins and a Mayan museum. The Mayans were quite an advanced civilization in many ways. For example, they created an incredibly precise calendar several thousand years ago. It was great to learn about the cultural heritage of the people that we've been meeting and working with all week.
It was very hot at the Mayan ruins of Dzibilchaltun, and we were all thankful to be able to dive into a "cenote" pool afterwards… a refreshing freshwater pool fed by underground springs. There were tons of tiny fish that would nibble at your toes if you stayed still enough. Gary insisted that it was just as good as getting a pedicure! We were back at the base for dinner, and then after dinner went out for freshly made churros. So delicious!
After churros, we had a debriefing session with Gary and Joanne. We talked about what we learned about Mexico and the Mexican people… We shared what we learned about ourselves this week… We talked about "God moments" that we have experienced throughout the week. The debriefing session was a special time of realizing how much God had been working this week as we worked for Him.
As we head to bed for our last sleep at C-Quest, I think we're all experiencing a mix of thoughts and feelings. We all feel that God has used our team this week to share his incredible Gospel, and to bless those that are working for His kingdom here. And I think we're all feeling like God has used this trip to transform each of us, too. We're all tired, and there were many difficult moments for us this week, but I'm certain that every one of us would say without hesitation that we are so thankful that the Lord brought us down here to experience this incredible week of serving Him!