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A Day of Learning (The Bridge)

Day one was a day full of learning. We trained and learned our program. It has us, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, puppeteering and even balloon animal sculpting. But in addition to learning the program we got to have a cultural orientation. We went into the city to learn and experience local culture. Off we went on a mini-scavenger hunt, along the way my team was helped by everyone from a police officer to restaurateur.

Everyone who we asked was eager to help us learn about their city. This evening as we sat down with Gary he explained more about the Mexican culture. A key piece is Mexicans are a people group who love to serve, and this was evident by the friendly and kind help we received along the way. Nothing was as great as when a local who spoke no english, was patient with me while trying to teach me about the local pier. Even though it made me late getting back to the group, I loved learning from him. As we go throughout this week, I know we all look forward to serving along with the local church leaders reaching out to their own people.

-Kyle Corbin

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