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Okotoks Evangelical Free Youth Team - Day 2

Today we spent most of the day training and preparing to lead ministry the rest of the week. We spent the morning practicing the songs and skits for the camp program. The two of us are part of the puppet show, and it turns out there’s more to puppeteering than meets the eye, especially in a different language. However we managed to prepare everything by lunch and then had a dress rehearsal! We’re all looking forward to seeing the whole program in action over the next few days.

After lunch we went to the beach for a while and discovered why the Progreso pier is the world’s longest, because the water is very shallow for a long ways! We had a great swim, then came back to the base for siesta time.

Later this afternoon we embarked on a scavenger hunt in downtown Progreso! We were split into four teams and had a list of questions to answer within the hour. We had to try to communicate with the locals for answers to the questions and quickly discovered how much of a language barrier there is! It was a super fun experience that got us a little more used to the culture and interacting with the locals.

After dinner, Gary led the group in making balloon animals and other various items! It was a great time with many failed giraffes and exploding swords. We even built armour for ourselves! We just got back from a nighttime swim in the pool with the rest of the youth from the team. With that, day 2 of the Mission’s trip comes to a close.

God Bless,

Anna and Jenaya


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