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WestPointe Community Church - Day 5

March 25, 2019

Caleb Schroeder started our day off with a good devotional on letting go of our pride to let God’s work shine through us. It’s a good reminder for us especially here in Mexico. People here tend to look at us as wealthier or that we should be more respected, so it can be easy to just take in that attention. I mean who doesn’t like attention? But for God’s work to best shine through us we need to be humble just as Jesus set an example for us to be humble while he was on this earth. We headed out shortly after breakfast to do some light construction projects at a developing camp. There was a team that did some painting, a team that did some planting of fruit and vegetables to sustain the camp and a few of the men that felt called to use their carpentry skills to hang three doors. I was a part of the painting crew and it was tough on a few of us to be in the sun (outside painting or planting), but I felt like overall we challenged ourselves and felt fulfilled in the work that we got accomplished. The camp is currently being used for English, computer and Bible classes every Saturday as well as Bible camps and sports camps throughout the year. Gama has a very passionate heart towards making this camp become a complete reality including a Bible School for locals. Gama shared his testimony with us before lunch and I guess I could really get a sense through his story where he was coming from in wanting to help children and youth that are struggling. We had delicious tasting lunch of tacos and soup there at the camp. We then returned to the base and some of us went for a swim in the pool followed by an hour long siesta. After our naps, there was a quick dinner before we drove to Merida. In Merida, our group made an assembly line and served pancakes to the people outside of the hospital. There was definitely some God moments during that time…people wanting prayer and/or Bibles, sharing their stories, people grieving, and even a man who said he didn’t have a job anymore and that this had been his only meal today. Does God not provide for us or what? During my time in Mexico so far I have really been touched just realizing that it doesn’t have to be much for opportunities to open up to share the Gospel with people. I mean technically we were just painting, but just seeing the smile on Gama’s face could tell you it went further than that. Also serving pancakes to people in need of a Savior. So, I guess my encouragement to the people that are reading this is that you may seem like you’re not doing a lot, but you never know where you are planting seeds and that it doesn’t take much to show the love of Christ.

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