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Millar College of the Bible Mission Trip

Day 11 in Mexico! This morning we did some more work around the base. Some of us did some organizing, while others painted a new puppet stage. I got to help Manuel (the maintenance man here at C-Quest) dig a trench through the driveway for a new electrical line. It was a lot of work chipping through all the concrete, but a great opportunity to build a friendship and practice my Spanish. One of the highlights of this trip for me has been the unity of our team and everyone’s willingness to work with a positive outlook on whatever we have to do. The cooler weather has been such a blessing, as well our team has been full of energy!

After lunch we went to down-town Progresso and walked along the beach to do a little bit of shopping at the various venders and souvenir shops. It was nice to get out and see the town on a Saturday afternoon. There were a lot of people out enjoying the weather and relaxing on the beach.

After supper we met Pastor Gama and went to a church in Chablekal to do a program for the kids and parents that came for an evening service. We had a lot of fun drawing the kids in with the hula hoops we brought along! After the program we made some balloon animals for the kids and distributed toys. The church also had food for everyone who came. They served sandwiches, spaghetti, and cake, which is apparently the food of choice for parties.

As the evening wrapped up the pastor of the church told us that 60% of the people who had come that night were not regular members of the church. Once again it was amazing to see God’s hand providing an incredible turnout. Sometimes we wonder whether people will turn up or not, but so far we have had no problems with lack of attendance at any event. I can see now that God has gone ahead of us in the work we are doing here.

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