Millar College of the Bible Mission Trip

Day 10! This morning here at C-Quest started out with some work around the base. We had the privilege of moving some benches, picking up rubble from a wall that was torn down yesterday, as well as some painting and other tasks. I really enjoy being able to help Gary and Joanne out in any way we can while staying here at the base. It is awesome to know that we can bless them even a bit during our time down here. After lunch we had the opportunity to do a Spanish lesson here at the base. My Spanish abilities prior to coming to Mexico were non-existent. Since being here, they have improved a lot, and the lesson today helped hugely! I am still by no means able to translate, nor converse very well. However, I am able to understand bits and pieces, which is a blessing in itself.
Moving into the evening, we had the opportunity to join Gama and a church plant in Merida host a meal and movie night. The whole day was excellent, but the evening was definitely the highlight for me. When I see the people coming out to the events, I am constantly reminded of God's love for all people. To be able to serve hot dogs, chips, and watermelon was such a blessing. It can seem so menial on the surface, but it serves such a bigger purpose in the scope of eternity. It was exciting to be able to serve them, after and during the supper, as the movie 'God's Not Dead' was played. It is hard to convey the excitement in my heart over what happened this evening over a message. Many of the people at the event were not members of the church. And during the movie, as well as from Gama’s preaching at the end, many people heard of saving faith in Jesus. That is why we are here in Mexico! We were hands and feet for something so much bigger! Something of eternal value. What a blessing it is to serve alongside our brothers and sisters here in Mexico!
As I sit and reflect on not only today but the trip as a whole, I cannot begin to express all I have learned. Having never been on a mission’s trip, I really did not know what to expect apart from what I had heard from others in the past. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to be here. One of the ladies at the church where we were serving asked if she could pray for us. While she was praying I could feel God's smile was upon that place. It is amazing to be able to worship and pray alongside these people in another language, and know that our heavenly Father hears every word and cares deeply.
Please pray for the people that are ministering here in Mexico. The harvest is ready, but the workers are few; the people here are giving their all for the Lord. Pray for strength and energy for them, as well as their needs met that they can minister effectively. As well, pray for the people of Mexico. God's doing something big here, and they need prayer. Thanks for reading. Grace be with you.