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Millar College of the Bible Mission Trip

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Well, here we are – Day 7 – the end of our first week of a 4 week adventure here in the Yucatán. Similar to yesterday, we had breakfast early enough to see a beautiful sunrise.

On our way to Camp John 3:16 today, Brooklyn shared a devotion with a focus on 1 John 2 where John says, “Do not love the world nor the things it offers you… this world is fading away, along with everything that people crave.” This is one of the greatest challenges to most of us believers living in such a wealthy country like Canada. John concludes that portion with. “But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever.” That seemed to tie together well with what Gary prayed this morning at breakfast, “May we put a smile on your face today God.”

Arriving at Camp John 3:16, we had a quick photo op with Gama, Gerardo (a young man who helps out at the camp and is being discipled by Gama), and Darcy, another one of the C-Quest team. From there it was time to slap on the sunscreen and take a final run at the tomato harvest. Our goal to have the crop gathered by “lunch time” was accomplished; however, in Mexico, lunch is… oh, whenever you chose to have it, right? That worked in our favor today. When the tomatoes were in the crates and sorted into the three sizes, “chico, mediano, and grande” we went for “lunch.” Regarding the supplies and shopping that was done last night… Gama, Gerardo, and Julio were very grateful for the kitchen supplies, clothing, and shoes we delivered to them after lunch. What a privilege it is to give generously to those in need.

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I have been blessed by the encouraging attitudes of our team members. Amidst the heat that we are not accustomed to – meeting and greeting people who we don’t know, sleeping in beds not our own with fans blowing air on us all night, and stinging plants in the tomato orchard – fun, laughter, servant attitudes, and a focus beyond and greater than ourselves was apparent. So proud of them!!

My highlight of the day was sitting on crates in the shade of a tree, sorting tomatoes and watching the interaction between Gerardo and our team members. Yes, the language barrier was there, but today it seemed to me to be a source of learning, laughter, and friendship more than anything. Our team is working hard to gain some ground in communicating with the locals here who do not speak English. It was great to see!! Even with the language barrier, there was much in common… a love for Jesus!

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