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Westpointe Community Church Mission Trip

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Today we went to Camp John 3:16 to help out Pastor Gama and then to the local hospital with Pastor Miguel and people from his church.

At the camp some of us picked up rocks from the field, others painted the bathroom, and some picked tomatoes. I picked tomatoes and truly enjoyed it. There were so many that were ready to pick, and because of the amount of people helping it went very quickly. The two employees there were very helpful and did a good job working alongside of us. We collected 16 crates of tomatoes to be sold. The money collected will be put back into funds for building the camp. It was amazing to see how these plants grew and were now producing fruit. The soil didn’t look conducive to producing anything, since it was very

rocky and not tilled. It felt good to see the people appreciated our help.

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At the hospital we cooked pancakes and prepared fruit to serve to the patients and families. The hospital here doesn’t provide food for the patients, so the families have to feed them. There are some restaurants around there, but a lot of the people cannot afford to purchase food. These people come in from surrounding communities to seek medical help. The patient’s family usually comes with them and they are often left homeless until their family member is released from the hospital. This was very impactful. We communicated as best we could with them. Some of them knew a little English, and taught us some Spanish. There were 15 people that came to the Lord this night. Praise God!

Today I realized that they are no different than we are as people. They have the same basic needs that we have, and they are in need of Jesus the same as we are. Working is harder here because they don't have access to the same modern things we take for granted every day. It has truly been a blessing to be a small part of the bigger picture God has planned for these people.

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