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We’re looking for some dedicated people to work with us for short-term and full-time positions. Sound interesting? Check out the opportunities below and contact us to see where your gifts can be used to help C-Quest make a difference for eternity.

Part-Time Fund Development & Outreach Coordinator (Paid Position, Immediate Opening)


Do you want to inspire followers of Christ to make an eternal impact on the world by helping reach indigenous people in Mexico who have not yet heard the Gospel? If so, we have an amazing opportunity for you.


C-Quest is looking for someone who enjoys meeting people and developing relationships to further the work of God’s mission. We are seeking a part-time paid Fund Development and Outreach Coordinator who will be based in Calgary as part of a vibrant team of volunteers both in Calgary and in Yucatan, Mexico.


The key applicant will by a dynamic person who is passionate about connecting caring individuals to the work of C-Quest. In this role you will reach out to churches, Bible colleges, businesses, and schools to share the story of C-Quest, as well as soliciting ministry support and recruiting short-term mission teams. The opportunity to make an eternal impact on the world awaits for the right candidate.


Will You Join Us?


Short-term Staffing


In a ministry like C-Quest, there are many opportunities to get involved in different ways. Certain times of the year require more hands-on-deck, while other times are more balanced. During the busy times, we need people to help out with:


• Spanish translating

• Cooking

• Maintenance (grounds, building) and cleaning

• Teaching• Driving​


Qualified people are welcome to join us in Progreso during these peak times of ministry and get involved for a few days or a few weeks. Contact us for availability.


​Full-time Staffing


As you can imagine, we have full-time staffing needs as well. For the foreseeable future our C-Quest staff will likely wear more than one “hat” when serving with C-Quest. In other words, we’ll find ways to ensure you don’t get bored! 

Here are some of the positions we’re looking to fill:

Worship/Music - Music and worship are key elements to any ministry. We are looking for dynamic, skilled musicians who love to use their talents for God, and who have the ability to lead others in worship. This may involve teaching of Spanish songs (don’t worry, it’s easy) to our English-speaking team members, including actions for the kid’s stuff. Music leaders should be confident and talented, as well as enjoying diverse groups of  people – oh, yeah, and be willing to move to a beachside community in Mexico.


Please note: All C-Quest Staff should be willing to re-locate to Progreso (or Merida), Mexico, and be willing to assemble their own team of prayer and financial supporters. We will provide you with more details on how to do this. Contact us for more details about any of the above staff positions, or to inquire as to how you may play an active role in this exciting ministry.

Short-term Volunteer Staffing

Some people are in a position where they have the flexibility to come serve with us for an extended period of time – one to two months or more. We'd love for you to join us as short-term staff! This would give you an opportunity to use your gifts and talents while having the opportunity of an extended stay in Mexico. Maintenance, cooking, building, etc, etc...we'll find a way to use you in a meaningful way! Please contact us for more details.


Youth Opportunities


We've got awesome opportunites for youth to serve on a short-term basis as volunteer staff. Come see what "livin' the dream" as a full-time missionary is like while serving alongside us in the Yucatán. We'll treat you like staff, so you can you can see what missions is really like...while enjoying the sun and beautiful people of Mexico. Please contact us for more details. 

CQ Ambassadors


​We need help keeping the C-Quest mission alive in Canada. If you have come on one of our trips and would like to help us in communications, fundraising, speaking, or sharing our vision, we have a great volunteer job for you. Or perhaps you'd like to support the mission, but travel to Mexico is not possible. We greatly appreciate the generosity of your time in helping us to maintain our mission here at home while we are away. Please contact us for more details on our CQ Ambassadors program. 

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