Our goal at C-Quest is to offer a variety of ministry programs that fit our vision and mission as directed by God's hand. Check out some of the programs currently under development.

" And I will send still others to islands far away. The people who live there have not heard about my fame. They have not seen my glory. Those I send will tell the nations about my glory." Isaiah 66:19
Our vision is to create a unique learning and missions experience for Bible college students, with a focus on both on-land and at-sea experiences.
Once this program is operational, C-Quest plans to offer a Christian Semester-at-Sea program covering the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean area. Each semester will cover basic theology and first-year-type courses, along with a creative evangelism class. C-Quest’s Semester-at-Sea program offers students the opportunity to transfer their course credits to an accredited partner Bible college. If you are a Bible college interested in partnering, please contact us.
Visiting professors will be flown in for one to two-week stints to instruct their particular courses of expertise, while C-Quest staff handle other courses and student mentoring responsibilities.
Students will begin their C-Quest adventure by participating in Boot Camp. This is where they learn the “ropes” literally (pun completely intended!) and what is required to live and sail successfully and safely as a team. They will participate in team-building exercises along with spiritual gift and personality-assessment workshops to better understand themselves and how to work more effectively and harmoniously with their shipmates. During Boot Camp, the students will live at our base in Progreso. Once Boot Camp is completed, the ship sets sail for ministry destinations abroad.
The journey begins…
While onboard the boat, course instruction takes place during times where all hands are not required on deck. Most likely, formal instruction will occur during the mornings and evenings, thereby leaving the afternoons free to sail (on travel days) when the winds are strongest, work on assignments or serve on land.
Every day will not necessarily involve formal studies. One of the goals of C-Quest is to get the students involved in activities on land as frequently as possible. Whether it be working with a local churches or missionaries, working in an orphanage, or sharing their faith with the locals…much will be gained through such practical hands-on experiences. Students will be given ample opportunity to be real servants and experience a wide variety of ministry opportunities: to learn, to lead and to serve Christ.
Check out this video below to see where are future programs are headed:

La Busqueda Bible Training
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28: 19-20
In the name of the Great Commission, we carry a responsibility to reach the unreached. One of the best ways to do this is to equip local Christians to carry forward the Gospel to their own communities. Our vision is to open our doors for local (indigenous) people of the Yucatan to study God's word, in their own language.
The purpose of this program is to educate, equip and enable the Mexican and Mayan locals to better serve their own communities as missionaries, lay pastors and teachers. This program will be developed in conjunction with local church partners and other local missionaries.
Along with their formal studies, La Busqueda students will be active in hands-on servant experiences in the community.
If you are a church or local missionary and interested in partnering, please contact us.