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Millar College of the Bible Mission Trip

This morning – Day 6 – was a bright and early morning as we headed out to do some manual labour at Camp John 3:16. We wanted to be able to get as much work done as possible before the heat of the day – which ended up being 37 degrees. On a side note, apparently yesterday a record was broken for the hottest temperature ever reached here on that particular day! I am so thankful to God for giving our team strength and energy to joyfully be getting through these hot days. As we headed to the camp, Calum shared a devotion on faith and what it means to him to be walking in faith daily. He read from Matthew 10 and Luke 10. He told us that when Gary and Joanne shared their story about how C-Quest came to be a reality, it really impacted him and made him realize the steps he needed to take to trust in God in all areas of life - whether big or small. When we arrived at the camp we were greeted by Gama, the founder of the camp. We separated into two groups and went on our way to either hauling large rocks or picking tomatoes from the orchard. The rocks we were moving would be used as a foundation for one of the new buildings. And we were told that the money made from the tomatoes will go towards planting more papaya trees. Then the money from the papaya harvest will be used for continued development of the camp.

After working in the morning, we finished off our day at the camp eating an amazing Mexican meal prepared and cooked by Tina, a lady who works at the camp, with help from her husband, Julio. Some of the girls from our team also pitched in to help them prepare our meal. As we were gathered around the table we were able to hear Gama's testimony of how the Lord redeemed him. He has a very powerful and beautiful story – from being one who was rescued from a life of hatred and sin, to one that is now in complete submission to doing God’s will. And each day relying on faith for the completion of the vision he has for this camp. Camp ministry was how he came to know the Lord; and he knew that God was calling him to start up this camp ministry as a way to reach out to others. He told us that it was so encouraging for him to see people like us serving the Lord, because when he was our age, serving God was the furthest thing from his mind. After laying hands on Gama and praising God for the work he has done and continues to do in Gama's life, we prayed that God would continue to give him faith for his ministry.

Before coming back to the C-Quest base we stopped at a very neat underground cenote to swim and refresh ourselves. It was so fun to be able to relax as a team and cool off.

Later in the evening, when we were back at the base, we did smaller jobs around the house to prepare for the next day of ministry. We sorted clothes to bring to some of the people who work at the camp as a way to bless them. As well, some of our team went downtown to buy kitchen supplies for the camp. Others hauled sand to Gary and Joanne's backyard, while some team members washed the two 15 passenger vans and trailer.

Overall, it was a very exciting and busy day. Thinking about this day, the big concept that I learned was faith. I felt that God was trying to show me that I need to step out in faith and trust and rely on Him to guide my every step. Gama's story really spoke to me about how God can touch the lives of the least likely, and use them in mighty ways.

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