We can use your help in supporting the following programs which bring relief in the form of medical care, housing, social assistance programs and ministry services. Your donation can make a real difference in the lives of these families. We believe that people gain by giving. Our Aid Projects are designed to help people in their greatest area of need, through our Quests for Health, Home, Hope and Heart. The C-Quest staff works closely with you to facilitate a safe and meaningful work project trip for teams, from company professionals to school teachers looking for a unique way to serve.
Are you interested primarily in the humanitarian component of our program? Are you a corporate team, a dentist, a school group, a group of doctors or engineers looking for an experience of a lifetime? The people of the Yucatán will be forever grateful for your gift of service. We are ready to help you help them, through customizing a work trip for your group, taking into account your passions, experiences, and objectives. We provide the base shelter for up to 26 participants for one or two week trips. Our staff are trained and equipped to provide you with all of the pre-planning, logistics, material procurement, set-up, project development, and all other on ground requirements to ensure that your Short-term Aid trip goes smoothly, and with maximum impact for all. We have a number of active needs in the community, such as construction, medical, dental, and clean water projects. Please join us today to help meet the needs of those living in poverty.
To find out more about our aid trips, please contact us or fill out an application form.


The Yucatecan and Mayan people are in great need of projects to support their basic health requirements for clean water, sanitation, and basic health. Our Health programs are carefully and thoughtfully planned in conjunction with local civic and community leaders to ensure maximum benefit and sustainability for the people. Are you a medical professional looking to serve? Are you passionate about provision of clean water to poor communities? Help someone live a better life through better health.
"There are 1.5 physicians per 1000 people in Mexico. Only 34% of the population use adequate sanitation facilities." OECD Health Data
In Mexico, 50% of people live at or below the poverty line. Many homes and villages are in varying states of disrepair, causing unsafe and unhealthy environments for thousands of children. Our efforts in the Progreso area range from small house repair and maintenance projects, to modular home and shelter construction for villages focusing on sustainability. Do you have a handy side or work in a construction based job? Are you a home builder looking for an international aide partner? Help us provide a better quality of life for a family by improving a home.
"More than 20 million children and adolescents in Mexico are estimated to live in poverty and 5 million of those in extreme poverty." UNICEF
C-Quest Aid Information Package
Click the thumbnail above to download our C-Quest Aid Information Package. Interested in going on a trip or hosting a fundraiser in support of our Aid Projects? Contact us today!
The Yucatan suffers from the highest rate of teen suicide in the country. Along with the rampant issue of poverty, come issues related to depression, abuse, and addiction. We aim to help children to see hope in their lives. Programs focused on basic nourishment, education, ESL, literacy, dance, sport and others are designed to uplift children and youth to see the light in their future, through the gift of love. Are you a retired school teacher, a professional with business skills, or a teenager with a heart to serve other teens? Help a child to find hope by getting involved as a donor or as a trip sponsor.
"The human development indexes in some parts of Mexico are close to those of some of the world’s least developed countries." UNICEF